Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shubi finds comfort in the arms of strangers

Good Morning Friends,

It has warmed up a little, but looking for food is getting harder and harder. I'm up on a 5th story stoop looking in the window of a family just sitting down to a family breakfast. The small girl looks out the window and exclaims, "Look at that pwetty birdie at the window". The mom replies, "Yes, that is a birdie and he looks cold". They gently open the door so as to not scare me, but they do not know that I am "The Amazing Shubi Bird". I fly in the window and around the breakfast table, startling all the people in the room. I land on the little girl's shoulder and chirp out, "Hi, my name's Shubi". Everyone is amazed that they have found a talking parakeet. Boy is it nice and warm in here, and that food sure looks good. The little girl senses my apparent hunger and offers me a biscuit, which I accept gladly. "Thank you, precious little one", and she smiles with amazement.
Well, I have to go for now, but come back for the latest developments.
Your Friend,

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