Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meet Shubi

Now its time to meet the star of "The Amazing Shubi Bird". You may be wondering, who is Shubi? Kat and Jeff Joyce purchased a parakeet after one of our pomeranians ate the one we had. When we brought him home, in the car, he was bobbing his head to the music, so Kat named him Shubi. We spent several months trying to get him to talk, but to no avail. We had a friends young daughter staying with us for the summer, and she spent every day talking to him. One day just before she went back home, Shubi started saying a couple of words over and over. Shortly thereafter his vocabulary started increasing at a phenominal rate and we began to realize that we had a special birdie. He began to put sentences together. At first they were incoherent, but then they started to make sense. Shubi has given us years of non-stop entertainment as well as making others laugh. He truly is special, and amazing.

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

What an entertaining 'gar!
Hi your pictures came up on - wonderful stuff!
Just thought I'd say hi while I'm here!
All the best
Vol 2....