Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meet Shubi

Now its time to meet the star of "The Amazing Shubi Bird". You may be wondering, who is Shubi? Kat and Jeff Joyce purchased a parakeet after one of our pomeranians ate the one we had. When we brought him home, in the car, he was bobbing his head to the music, so Kat named him Shubi. We spent several months trying to get him to talk, but to no avail. We had a friends young daughter staying with us for the summer, and she spent every day talking to him. One day just before she went back home, Shubi started saying a couple of words over and over. Shortly thereafter his vocabulary started increasing at a phenominal rate and we began to realize that we had a special birdie. He began to put sentences together. At first they were incoherent, but then they started to make sense. Shubi has given us years of non-stop entertainment as well as making others laugh. He truly is special, and amazing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shubi scares lion

Shubi scares away the mountain lion in the book, "The Amazing Shubi Bird".

Mountain Lion

Good Morning Friends,

The mountain lion in the book "The Amazing Shubi Bird" has an important part. He tries to scare the kids, but Shubi intervenes on their behalf.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Meet Jude

Good Morning friends,

This morning we are going to meet Jude. Jude and his sister, as we learned yesterday, are lost in the woods and Shubi is trying to help them. Shubi is going to enlist the help of his friends Cody and Tanner to get the kids safely back to their parents, but there is danger lurking in the distance. Tune in tomorrow to see the danger they are facing, and how they overcome this danger with Shubi's help.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Meet Lauren

Good afternoon friends. Today we are introducing Lauren. Lauren and her brother Jude are lost in the woods, and Shubi is trying to help them find their parents. Tomorrow we will meet her brother Jude.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Meet Tanner and Cody

Good Morning friends,

Today we are going to introduce you to Tanner and Cody.
Tanner the rabbit and Cody the squirrel are dear friends to Shubi. They all live together in the wild, and are the main characters in "The Amazing Shubi Bird". Shubi is a natural kidder and likes to joke around with his friends, however Cody didn't like it when Shubi picked on him. Tanner was different. He was in awe of Shubi and coveted the fact that he could fly. Tanner and Cody were both very fond of Shubi and glad they had met him. Shubi enjoyed his friendship with all of the creatures in the wild. Stay tuned tomorrow for our next character in the book.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Meet the cast

Good morning friends,
Just in case you haven't met the cast of "The Amazing Shubi Bird", we will introduce you to each of them in the next several days so stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"The Amazing Shubi Bird"

Good Morning friends,
Kat and I, as always, would like to welcome you to our site. Shubi is truly an amazing bird. To see his story, check some of our previous posts. Shubi has been on the lam since July 3rd, and the owners, Jeff and Gail Broom, as well as Jeff and Kat are putting up reward posters this week to try to locate him. Shubi is not just any parakeet, he has an extensive vocabulary, as well as imitating various noises. His book showcases his latest adventure, and is sure to have an impact on children as well as adults.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Shubi and Friends Calendar

Hello Friends,

The Shubi and Friends Calendar is available now at


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shubi and Friends Calendar

Our Shubi Calendar proof has arrived, but there are a few technical issues that have to be addressed before we can offer it for sale. Please be patient, it is agreat looking Calendar.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Shubi and Friends Calendar

Kat has ordered a new calendar for approval, and once it is approved, it will be available online. It is reasonably priced and contains artwork from the book. Lulu does a very nice job of printing, and we have been happy with the work they do.